These rules should direct our actions and aid us in living in harmony and peace with God and others. The first five are about God’s connection with humans, and the last five are about how people should treat their neighbors and others. The Ten Commandments can be split into two parts of five.Angel Number 555 Biblical Meanings That You Should Be Aware Of: The Book of Deuteronomy is just one of many biblical interpretations of the number 555, which appears several times in the Bible. He reads God’s law and is the messenger in the Laws of the Old Testament. Moses’ responsibility as the mediator of the Old Covenant between God and the children of Israel is represented by multiple fives (555). By recalling God’s appearance on Mount Horeb, where He established a covenant relationship with them, Moses urged the Israelites to obey God’s commands. “I (Moses) stood between the Lord and you at that time to show you the Lord’s Word, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up into the mountain” (Deuteronomy 5:5).

The number 555 is not a meaningless sequence of numbers in fact, the fifth book of the Bible is called Deuteronomy, which means “fifth book,” and its fifth chapter and fifth verse (555) state the following about Moses and his role in God’s plan: