So Melanie Howard was married to Harlan Howard. He knew that I was in this remarkable place where I already had a deal, and I already had some cuts coming up with Faith. LORI MCKENNA: But he was so nice to me, and he knew I had never co-written a song. Can you imagine? “I Hope You Dance,” and a million other incredible songs. This is what we do in this town.” My first co-write was Mark D. She’s like, “No, this is what we do here. This is probably not a good idea.” But my publisher, who was Melanie Howard, was my first publisher. I had never co-written a song, and they’re like, “I don’t know.
So when I came to Nashville, they said, “You should co-write songs.” I didn’t know how to do it, and people were like, “That’s going to really mess you up.” At this point, I was 36 years old. I’m the luckiest person in the whole world. So I had four Faith Hill cuts before I ever co-wrote a song. I put out this record up here in the Northeast called ‘Bittertown,’ and Mary Gauthier who’s a dear friend of mine, brilliant songwriter, gave it to a publisher named Melanie Howard, who gave it to Missi Gallimore, who gave it to Faith Hill. LORI MCKENNA: I have such a unique story, because I had been to Nashville one time in my whole life. Lori McKenna on one of her first co-writing sessions Tune in and listen to the episode anytime on-demand with an Apple Music subscription at /_ThomasRhettRadio Lori shares the story behind one of her first co-writing sessions, what it was like working with hitmakers Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga, and the story behind “The Hill.” Lori McKenna joins Thomas Rhett on Where We Started Radio.