and for God's sake, learn it well!!! If you don't already have your instrument, go out and get it ASAP if you really want to do this. (Shyness not allowed, unless it's the bassist.) Ideally, they should all have the personal qualities we are going to be discussing here: Great sound, great look, great personality, particularly when working with others. If you have the luxury to, choose your bandmates wisely. Group harmony is difficult to achieve, especially if not all of you are hell-bent on becoming rock stars. Prerequisites: Hand-eye coordination and a great sense of rhythm.) Not everyone can be in a band, and not all bands work out. Prerequisites: Tough fingers.) Do you like being in the background, and are tone deaf? (Be the drummer. Prerequisites: Nimble fingers and the ability to jam on a guitar.) Do you like being in the background without much to do? (Be the bassist. Prerequisites: Must be able to carry a tune.) Do you really suck at singing, but still want to get attention from fans? (Be the lead guitarist. Here are a few sample questions to think about: What kind of rock star do you want to be? What genre of rock do you want to specialize in? Right now, how good are you at what you want to be doing? Do you want to be part of a band? If so, what kind of band? What instruments will be in it? Most importantly, do you get along well with other people? What kind of personality do you have? (This is important if you want to be in a band.) Do you like being the center of attention? (Be the lead singer.

Think about what you want to do and be as a rock star before moving on.